. Pauly Stockhausen - Pauline Stockhausen
July 23, 2024

How to Build Resilience for Your Business

Ah, the ever-evolving world of business! It’s no secret that over sixty five thousand small businesses bit the dust last year. Startlingly, about 22% of them […]
July 21, 2024

Designing My Dream Kitchen

One room in the house that I believe is the most important is the kitchen. Over the years, I’ve rented many homes, and one thing I’ve […]
July 20, 2024

Discovering Tonga

I’ve discovered a deep love for Tonga and its wonderful people, and I get asked frequently what it is I love about Tonga so much. Let […]
July 20, 2024

Escape the Winter and Head to Rarotonga

If there’s one local destination that’ll whisk you away from the biting cold of New Zealand’s winter, it’s Rarotonga. Just a few hours’ flight into the […]
July 20, 2024

Discovering the Magic of Hobbiton

If you’re planning a trip to New Zealand, there’s one destination you absolutely must visit—Hobbiton. Now, you might be thinking, “I’m not really a die-hard *Lord […]
July 20, 2024

Recycling and Building in Tonga

One of the primary goals when building our house in Tonga was to see how cost-effective we could make it. With covid arriving, it was evident […]
July 18, 2024

Finding the Rebel Within: Crafting Your Own Path to Success

I’ve always been someone who resists the status quo. Whether it’s travelling the world as a single mother, writing a book that sold over 5,000 copies, […]
July 16, 2024

Navigating the Wild West of Building in Tonga

Given the current living crisis, you might be wondering – what’s the next step? You’re not alone. I’ve had heaps of people with land in Tonga […]
October 24, 2023

What is Ghost Commerce?

Have you tried dipping your toes into the world of online commerce, but found the traditional way too mundane? Ghost Commerce might just be the golden […]
October 3, 2023

Amplifying Your Online Visibility: One Product, 100 Engaging Posts

The thrills of creating an amazing product and putting it out in your online shop can often lead to this little expectation – that people will […]
October 2, 2023

Three years in building the Tonga house – What i have learnt and next steps

For the past three years, we’ve embarked on quite the adventure — constructing our very own house in our beloved Tonga! Not just an average, run-of-the-mill […]
October 2, 2023

Crafting Irresistible Product Titles

Are you ready to elevate your online business by learning how to create truly irresistible product titles that speak directly to your audience? One of the […]
August 17, 2023

Mad Hatter’s Pride Month Photoshoot: A Flamboyantly Magical Family Affair

If you don’t know me, I’m Pauline Stockhausen. Quirky, approachable and a sucker for flamboyant fancies, I am the mad hatter of my vibrant, eclectic clan. […]
August 15, 2023

How to Make Money from Home Using What You Already Have

How to Make Money from Home Using What You Already Have: Create Your Own Digital Product With Your Skills In our increasingly digital world, earning money […]
August 12, 2023

How to Skyrocket Your Productivity with Weekly Reviews

How To Do A Weekly Review To Boost Productivity As a social and digital strategist with over a decade’s worth of experience, I’ve discovered that one […]
August 7, 2023

10 Empowering Hacks for Women Over 40 Starting an Online Business 

  Starting an online business in your 40s brings together the potent combination of life’s wisdom and new entrepreneurial energy. As you embark on this exciting […]
August 5, 2023

5 Achievable Goals Every New Mum Should Consciously Embrace

  Becoming a mum brings an exhilarating surge of love and a montage of challenges. Balancing on this seesaw of newfound emotions and experiences, every mum […]
August 5, 2023

10 Explosive Mistakes with Instagram you absolutely shouldn’t do

  Have you ever wondered why your Instagram game isn’t as strong as you’d like it to be? Behind those radiant feeds and inspiring aesthetics lies […]
July 31, 2023

Spice Up Your Sales and Wow Your Awesome Customers!

It’s time to add in another marketing tactic that if you haven’t used it already will help increase your sales! It’s good old personalisation. Businesses can […]
July 29, 2023

30 Instagram Story Ideas for Multi-Tasking Mums on a Mission!

Behind-the-scenes: Share a peek into your daily routine as a mum and business owner Product spotlight: Highlight a favourite product or service you offer and explain […]