Finding the Rebel Within: Crafting Your Own Path to Success

I’ve always been someone who resists the status quo. Whether it’s travelling the world as a single mother, writing a book that sold over 5,000 copies, or building a successful online business with over 22 courses, I’ve never taken “no” for an answer.
Each of us has a unique story, with challenges that shape us and victories that define us. I started my journey with a traumatic childhood, then as a young single mother with big dreams. In the beginning, I never finished any project. I had no faith in my abilities, and as a single mother who dropped out of school in Seventh Form, I had failed at everything I attempted. I had to start slowly, and gradually, and slowly inner rebel emerged. Despite the odds, I travelled the world, authored a book, launched a podcast that won awards globally, and built a thriving online business. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you must embrace your journey, no matter how unusual or challenging it may be.
One of the keys to tapping into your inner rebel is setting seemingly unreachable goals. Every challenge I faced felt like a monumental task I couldn’t possibly achieve. But I set those goals anyway. The secret? It’s not always about believing you can; often, I didn’t think I could. It’s more about trusting in yourself and your abilities, setting out the tasks, and slowly chipping away until you realise you actually can do it.
Rebels are resilient. They thrive on challenges and adapt to changing circumstances. When I built my online business, I had no idea it would grow into a platform that would support my dreams. It was a steep learning curve, but my adaptability and willingness to learn allowed me to succeed. Trust your ability to adapt and thrive in any situation.
What drives you? For me, it was providing the best possible life for my son. This motivation fueled my determination to not only meet but exceed my goals. Whatever your motivation is, hold onto it tightly and let it propel you forward, especially during challenging times.
No rebel succeeds alone—except when they do. Throughout my journey, I often felt like I was doing it all by myself. I didn’t always have a strong support system, but my drive helped me push through. However, I now realise how valuable it would have been to have like-minded people around you. I could have achieved things even faster with a community on the same path. We may not always know how we’re going to achieve our goals, but we’re willing to put in the work.
Despite all I’ve achieved, I don’t think I am anyone special. I often forget what I have done and put no merit in it, as my head is down, bum up, focusing on the next goal. Often, I feel disconnected and alone, but it doesn’t stop me from working on things for myself. My biggest goals and achievements are mere tests to see if I can do it. You are somebody because of your perseverance, your spirit, and your unique journey. Embrace who you are and the path you’re on.
Finding the rebel within yourself is about more than just resisting norms; it’s about believing in your ability to create something for yourself. Embrace your journey, set bold goals, adapt, stay motivated, seek support, celebrate your wins, and continually challenge yourself. Trust in your inner rebel, and let it guide you to extraordinary places.
Here’s to finding and celebrating the rebel within you!