10 Explosive Mistakes with Instagram you absolutely shouldn’t do

Have you ever wondered why your Instagram game isn’t as strong as you’d like it to be? Behind those radiant feeds and inspiring aesthetics lies a code of conduct that could make or break your social media presence. So, dear Instagrammers, let’s talk about the top things NOT to do on Instagram while capturing those fleeting moments and trends.
1. **Motivational Quote Overkill**: A sprinkling of motivational quotes here and there on your feed can be a welcome palate cleanser. But when a plethora of inspo-quotes takes over your account, it might be read as a lack of original content or worse, an insincere attempt at deepness.
2. **Endless Selfies**: We love seeing your face, but there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. Keep your posts diverse and limit the selfies. Remember, Instagram is about artistic expression, not an affirmation of narcissism.
3. **Posting Without Aesthetic Consistency**: A good Instagram feed tells a story with a consistent visual language. Churning out random images that lack cohesion could confuse your followers and hurt your overall branding.
4. **Excessive Hashtags**: Overwhelming your caption or comment box with a hash-cloud of tangentially related hashtags can be spammy and counter-productive.
5. **Overposting**: Instagram is not a space for live journaling. Flooding your followers’ feeds may irritate them and reduces the impact of your individual posts.
6. **Editing Excessively**: Instagram’s filters are not there for you to create an ersatz Monet. Too many filters or poorly done edits can destroy the authentic charm of your photos.
7. **Neglecting Captions**: Missed opportunities happen when you ignore the caption space. Complement your photos with engaging and compelling words to tell the full story.
8. **Unwanted Selling in DM’s**: We get it, you’ve got a product to sell or a service to promote. However, it’s best to leave it on your business page rather than pushing it into your follower’s DMs unsolicited. Remember, your followers are there for your content primarily; they did not sign up for private sales pitches.
9. **Ignoring Comments**: Ignoring or not responding to your user’s comments is like holding a conversation and ignoring the other person’s words. Responding and engaging with your followers is vital for building relationships and increasing engagement.
10. **Inappropriate Content**: If you wouldn’t show it to a child or your grandma, it’s probably best not to broadcast it to your followers. Keep your content suitable for all, respecting the community guidelines.
By avoiding these cardinal Instagram sins, you’ll have a better chance at thriving in the Instagram community, driving higher engagement, and maintaining a genuine connection with your followers. Always remember quality over quantity and engagement over follower count. Happy Instagramming!