. Business - Pauline Stockhausen - Page 2
May 6, 2023

Digital Media and the Shift in Business Content Consumption: What You Need to Know

January 28, 2023

Have you tried Affiliate Marketing

In the last three years, I have been working on a few extra incomes - Dropshipping, Affiliate marketing, and selling my own products digital and real products.
February 14, 2020

How to be creative in life and in business

   Tonight we were honoured to be joined by creative artist Angeal Murray who shared with us her journey from the Corporate world to her […]
February 1, 2020

Traditional marketing VS Online marketing

 What is BEST – Online VS Offline Natalie Tolhopf,  business coach and Pauline discuss what works and doesn’t work.  We dive into the subject. One […]
October 31, 2019

The Flow of Money

Are you stressed out about money? You’re not alone! Money is a huge source of stress for many people, and it’s easy to feel like you […]
October 25, 2019

Business Overwhelm and how to overcome it

When you are starting out in business, there is this feeling of excitement. You are inspired and passionate and you work…you work hard. Nothing fazes you. […]
February 10, 2019

Stop complaining and make Facebook work for you

Oh I hear you all complaining about the Facebook changes that affect your audience reach for your business Pages. Yes it is terrible and I must […]
July 24, 2018

Quick tips on being productive

ARGGGHH…. How do you become more productive. So many of you have asked me this recently “ How do you do it? What can I do?” […]
February 26, 2018

You make no money at Christmas in New Zealand

Who says you cant “Have cake AND eat it too”?? I took 6 weeks off work over the Christmas period and I spent most of it […]
December 29, 2017

Give up some Social Media

Social Media is the way to go. Most people will tell you that.  I tell my clients that also BUT it’s not the be all and […]
November 19, 2016

What NOT to do when you have a networking business

Lately there has been a huge influx of people adding themselves to your personal Facebook pages I bet. Well, maybe I don’t know for sure about […]
November 16, 2016

Inbound 16: My Experience

Commitment. That is the word I would use to describe what it took to attend a conference like ‘Inbound 2016’. I committed time away from work. […]
October 4, 2016

Pay attention to customer service

Measuring customer satisfaction is a task that can either be a huge WIN or can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Now, I’m a bit […]
June 11, 2016

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is like a god to me. Simple. His content is the only resource I truly consume on a regular basis. He beats everyone else. He […]
February 29, 2016

Sponsored Programme

As a Single Mum i struggled to get a hand up.  No one would help me.  I realised later i needed to help myself. So I […]
December 3, 2015

Business and Illness

Now these two topics don’t go together business and illness – At all. No one likes to think that they will get ill, especially when starting […]
August 25, 2015

Stop Playing Small

  You are designing a business and you are working away at your Social Media its nice, clean and in your location. You get a good […]
July 24, 2015

Dream office

I have found myself sitting in dream state thinking about my dream office. To the point that thoughts of “ You would be more productive, if […]
July 19, 2015

Goal Setting

I haven’t known about S.M.A.R.T goals for very long but they have transformed the way i think and how i now plan out my goals and […]
May 25, 2015

Would you dare?

Would you dare? We all talk about balance and a lot of us think it is a thing we never get, cant reach, its like smoke, […]