Dream office
I have found myself sitting in dream state thinking about my dream office. To the point that thoughts of “ You would be more productive, if you had that dream office”
Hours go by and I am scrolling the internet for the perfect office. Time waster …. HELL YES!!
This is a new form of procrastination ….. hidden in the needs for something you just cant have ..(yet) .. nicely disguised as a block so I don’t work.
However a dream office would be perfect. Like a sanctuary, hidden away, quiet, cozy with wall to wall bookshelves full of all the most amazing books ( lets not think of the amount of weekly dusting we would have to do) lots of different comfy chairs, hidden draws and a secret staircase ….. Because everyone need a secret staircase.
Lets not forget the window overlooking the bush that leads onto the water. Of course to achieve this we would have to move house….. that’s not too much to ask for … right?
So an hour or two ( lets say three) was wasted scrolling through looking at the perfect workspace. I told hubby how unhappy I was with my space and he looked at me like I was loosing it. As it is infact true that I do have a great space. Its big, warm and has everything I need. Its just not colour co-ordinated, with flowers in the corner and new and shiny.
This made me realise I was once again procrastinating …..again…. On writing my weekly blog .. the things we do aye.
Below are some of my favourite spaces.