Step up and take charge in your business

Stop complaining about how you aren’t getting enough customers and get off your bottom and do something!
Business ownership with low customer numbers can be a hard life lesson. You may be paused at your desk, hands on head, looking at your computer screen watching the No Sales count up on your website. You could also be sitting behind your store counter looking at the doorway while NO ONE is coming in.
Is just sitting there going to help you? Nope.
As a business owner YOU need to find a solution to your problem. There isn’t anyone who is going to swoop down and solve these issues for you. Don’t bother meditating on it, or throwing wishes into the universe over it. The good news is; YOU have the power to remedy this problem.
You’re not down and out. You just haven’t discovered the answer… yet.
Most of the complaints I hear from business owners are the same. There aren’t enough customers coming through their doors or shopping at their online space. They’ll blame the economy, or the weather, they blame their location, sometimes they even blame their social media strategy for failing them. But have you ever thought about popping outside your door and chatting to the people who pass you by? They may not come in this time but once they met you and make a personal connection, next time they will probably remember Rob from the door knob store when they need some new knobs and handles for their home.
The same applies to your online presence and rapport with customers and potential customers. If you respond quickly to activity on your pages, people notice. If you ignore questions and interactions, people also notice and switch off. Make yourself available and be positive and proactive online and in real life, and your brand strength will start closing deals for you.
Also, make sure you have a database of customers’ contact details. I know many businesses are slow to do this but why wouldn’t you have a way to contact your customers? You need to reach out to your past clients, reminding them you are still open for business and ready to help.
If email isn’t your thing then why not connection via physical, postal addresses and phone numbers? Entice your customers to share their information with you so you can keep in contact – “Everyone who signs up goes into the draw to WIN A FREE [insert your service or product here]!”
If you have already started an email contact database, but aren’t getting the results you’d like, what do you do next? Write them an email – DON’T SELL, just inform them on things coming up and give free advice or let them know something quirky or personal about the business. In the past, I have sent current clients an email and thank them for being such loyal clients – “Thanks to your customer loyalty I have kept myself supplied with another pair of Chuck shoes. Cheers!” and a picture of my fabulous shoes attached. Short. Simple. Honest. Just connecting with people from the heart. It works.
Keep things warm but professional. Customers aren’t just nameless numbers. They are PEOPLE and people love connecting with others and being looked after. If a customer feels personally understood and cared for they will remain loyal and spread the good news to their friends. No matter how small the detail.
Depending on your type of business, why not try something that is going out of fashion but is still truly appreciated once you receive one….Send a card or a letter! (Of the paper and cardboard variety!) When was the last time you got something in the snail mail that wasn’t a bill?
Most importantly, stand back and reflect on how you can make small changes in your approach to your customers. ALWAYS look after those current clients or customers who use your service more than others. They keep coming back. Shout them a coffee of appreciation perhaps? Because at the end of the day each customer you have keeps those chucks on your feet.