Stay young and live

Like a fine wine, I think I’m getting better with age. However, I don’t really like the fact that I am getting older. Ideally, I would’ve liked my life to be captured and paused at the age of 32. Not that there’s anything particularly special about being 32, it just feels like a really good age to be. Wise somewhat and yet still young enough to pass as 25 – (and still be childish and get away with shit.)
As you know I don’t follow any norm. I do quite the opposite. Apparently I am coming up close to the big forty (confession: I still tell people I’m 36) but I still wear jeans and chucks, love arm wrestling and body checking my daughter (in jest), I have bright red streaks in my hair, and I’m still as childish as ever! (Daughter has told me on more than one occasion, “You need to grow up!”) I’m even entering a kickboxing fight next year…. I dont feel my age so why should I act it.
I’m like a girl Peter Pan. In between running a business, being a mum, wife, and fulfilling all those roles you have to as a woman, I make sure that everyday is fun and has some sort of adventure in it. I don’t want to grow up. I think there should remain a playfulness in you that keeps you young and fresh and hip. I think I am hip? (Don’t ask my daughter.)
My point? Do what you want to do. Most people follow this inane pattern: We go to school, get a boyfriend, get married, have kids, get divorced and then try to recapture our youth from all those years we missed out on doing what we really wanted to do.
I’m not saying that pattern is all wrong, (stop glearing at me… I love you) what I am trying to say is your life isn’t over once you achieve these things. Don’t settle. Push the boundaries and plan adventures. Weekend breaks, continue to educate yourself. Follow your dreams. Marriage and life commitments shouldn’t stop any of that. Ideally marriage should enhance life and help you grow as you have a partner in crime for assistance.
That’s what marriage and committed, long-term relationships are all about: Partnership. To be honest, I never wanted to be married. I had seen far to many failed marriages and I became cynical. Yet here I am five years into a marriage with my best friend. I love being married and I think we make each other better. We bring out the good in each other. We support each other in our crazy ventures and help each other grow. We fight and get frustrated but we really are a good team and that is what marriage is about. Being a team. Of course my husband would have a different take on this, he says the key to a good marriage is this: “Happy Wife, Happy Life”. ….This makes me sound like a monster when I am not happy….. hmmmm ok, he may have a point! 🙂
Of course I am no marriage or relationship expert, so take my ramblings with a pinch of salt. Just don’t sell yourself short and make sure you are who you want to be. Not who you are expected to be. Live your life as if tomorrow is your last. Take chances, work hard and experience as much as you can.
-Happy Wife.