My annoying self
I’m annoying – my husband tells me this a lot. “If only people knew the real you” he often says. “How you’re annoying and sometimes grumpy.”
I am the first to admit I am not perfect. I have to laugh because I am far from it, but basically, I just don’t care. It’s almost like I embrace it because hell it makes me, well, me!
I wake up grumpy most mornings because I don’t manage to sleep through the night. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in probably forever. The thing is, I wake up with amazing ideas that swarm in my head and I have to write them down. Sometimes I lie in the dark just stewing over them for hours, feverishly trying to work out if they are viable. Sometimes if I’m very tired I will get up and have a calming tea to settle myself back down. But no night goes by without me walking the house in the middle of it at some point, cultivation the thoughts and ideas that woke me up in the first place. So, without a doubt I wake up grumpy thinking – please just a few more minutes.
My routine is set and hubby knows if he isn’t off riding he brings me a coffee as he probably has figured out it is in his best interests to sweeten me up with a hit of caffeine. Poor man. And then, I drink my coffee, and almost in mysterious wonder, my mood miraculously gets better until i realise i have ten minutes to get to kick box training… (sigh)
So what is my point? Well I have none. I basically want to ramble about how I’m grumpy in the mornings and far from perfect, and that’s okay.
Or perhaps, what prompted me to write this down and share with you is more to the fact that someone recently told hubby that I must be a delight to live with! He grunted “if only you knew” and shot me a knowing look.
Well so how do I describe my life? I’m sort of like the calm before the storm (hubby interjects and says honey, you are the storm). Maybe I am the storm? He thinks I am totally disorganised and chaos surrounds me. Everyone else seems to think I am a beacon of calm planning and thoughtful organization. So I guess that makes me caotically organized? *Inserts grin here :-)*
So let’s be honest, there is no point to this post but the fact that i did want to share with you how coffee makes me the sweetest person on this earth and I definitely don’t get enough sleep.