Kills – The Bully gets Bullied
Social media is awash with the comments made by Natalia Kills from XFactor New Zealand on last night’s show – Like her or hate her, most of us felt her comments were totally unjust.
I don’t watch XFactor and I certainly won’t be tuning in to find out Kills’ latest antics.
The question that comes to my mind; is this all one big publicity stunt for ratings?
Blows my mind to think that it is possible. Here we have two unknown artists who have their own careers – Not huge but a slight following. They need more exposure so why not get the buzz working on a TV show in a small country like New Zealand, and hope that there is enough hullabaloo for international media pick them up?
Surely a New Zealand TV station wouldn’t stoop that low? We all know Kiwis value a wholesome, feel good, TV show. But will that bring in the punters to watch?
What is the angle?
Yes I have become a skeptic when it comes to reality TV because people, it isn’t reality. Everything is planted, situations are engineered and people are picked on likability and non likability.
Was Kills a good judge last night? No, totally appalling. The public reaction on Twitter and Facebook in New Zealand has been unpleasant and understandably so. But what isn’t at all ok is the retaliation of hate and abuse towards Kills on these social media platforms.
Yes you disagree, no it isn’t acceptable. But really, comments of hate aren’t going to help any situation.
I have scrolled through many of the messages to Kills and what New Zealanders are saying back to her are ten times worse than what she actually said on the night!
Is hate speech ever ok? NO!
Don’t bully the bully. You can say how you dislike the situation but don’t take it the next step to full-on psycho bully. There is a place for constructive criticism but it doesn’t involve personal attacks.
When you get vicious and personal you lower yourself not only to Kills’ standards but you have played right into the TV producer’s hands. Reality TV with audience, online participation is the aim. And the old saying is, There is no such thing as bad press!