Hitting that glass ceiling
I thought I was alone in the fact that when I hit the glass ceiling I was the only one to crash and burn.
Hitting the glass ceiling is the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier. We all strive to get through the barrier and once close to it you know you have nearly made it.
We all spend so much time and effort on the climb that when we get to where we want to be – we look around some of us turn and run for the hills.
I never thought id be that person but here I was …… shutting the world out and rocking in the corner muttering “I am not worthy, I am not worthy”
What is great about this whole situation is nearly everyone does the same thing. They hit it, they crumble and then they go through a humbling transformation before standing up tall and then smashing through it. (Which is good to know now but I wish I had known this a few months ago)
We have to redefine ourselves, evaluate, lick our wounds and understand that we are just like everyone else. Then we need to brush off the self doubt and kick our way forward stronger and more confident than before.
While I have had some incredible opportunities sent my way ( Most I have politely declined) Some I have ran away screaming – “Arggghhhh im an imposter and you might find out that I don’t actually know what I am doing.”
The crazy thing is – time and time again it gets proven that YOU DO know what you are doing and your results speak for themselves. Results where you hit millions of views time and time again without spending a dime. Huge email subscription numbers for yourself and for your clients. Exceptional results in predicting marketing trends.
Don’t let that little voice in your head convince you otherwise and worse don’t let other people put those thoughts in your head.
One thing that happens once you get close to the glass ceiling, is suddenly people start to take notice of you… and while in the early days that is what you want…..the intense focus on you can be so intimidating.
And it isnt all good attention either. Suddenly you are the attention of some crappy arse ugly trolling.
It doesn’t matter if you have been working 7 days a week, 16 hours days, for years to get where you are today. People will just knock you down because they can, they feel threatened in some way or they just have nothing better to do.
You need to just put your ‘big panties’ on and ignore them. If you have put in the endless hours to get where you are then you deserve all the good stuff.
Give yourself the credit. You didn’t get where you are today by sitting at home playing on twitter 12 hours a day. No you got up at 6am most mornings, worked your butt off and finished your day at 11pm. 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a row. You hustled, you hustled BIG.
Stop listening to the nay sayers. What do they know? They don’t know you or the true work you do. They have a belief that by talking shit and bringing people down makes them better, feel more equal when really it truly says more about them than you.
My answer to that – Block them. You don’t need to be poisoned by that crap. Stay true to your course and work on what you need to work on to get you where you need to be.
To be successful you need to put in the hours because nothing comes for FREE. …… and by crikey when you get there. Suck it up and Smash that glass ceiling and BREAK through it. I finally did and it is AWESOME on the other side.
I found this after i posted this… So thought i would add it.
If you have had the same experience let me know – Add your details below so i can email you to talk on it further 🙂
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