Event Start Date: July 23, 2018 | Event End Date: July 24, 2018 | Event Venue: Generator, Auckland |
Featuring presentations on:
Opening keynote: Pauline Stockhausen, Social Media Stratigist, Navigating the changes and updates across social media platforms
Revolutionising social media marketing using AI
The year of the (smart) chat bots
Jam Mayer, Chief Conversologist, Hootsuite Ambassador, Conversologie
Masterclass: Writing engaging content that can be promoted across platforms
Kylie Bailey, Marketing Consultant, GoodSense
Using social to generate lead acquisition – moving from social to email marketing to increase your sales conversions/ROI
Caro McCourtie, Digital Conversion & Marketing Automation Specialist
Masterclass: Producing video for social media
Andrew Ferdinando, Director, AD HOC
Dominic Hay, Director, AD HOC
For more information: https://www.conferenz.co.nz/events/2018-nzsomo